Standard Data: Commitment to Country Ownership of Data

September 23, 2021


Standard Co has been committed to country ownership of data since its inception. Through its products, Standard Co avoids becoming an implementing partner-owned digital silo by supporting multiple modalities of national ownership -- such as its easy to use tool to manage user accounts, full integration with existing national database through HTTP push API (also known as webhooks), and direct database access. Standard Co's support as the platform for the largest single disease mapping project in the world, the Global Trachoma Mapping Project, has given the experience required to ensure national programs have full control over their data, and that these data are integrated with existing national information systems.

Ownership Through Access

Standard Data provides online tools to add, remove, or manage the access of all authorized individuals. Users are granted individual access to view, edit, download, or receive reports. Such access controls are set by the project owner and can be modified based on the needs of each collaborator/user. Authorized users can be granted any mixture of these privileges to ensure the national program has full control over who has the rights to perform these actions. And, with audit trails that provide date & time stamps, you’ll know who is accessing your data at any given moment. 

Ownership Through HTTP Push API (Webhooks)

Standard Data provides HTTP push API, also known as webhooks, where Standard Data serves as the data collection platform, but once data are received they are immediately transferred to another database. If that database is not available, they will remain queued until they can be delivered. This functionality is the system architecture behind the Onchocerciasis Elimination Mapping Project (OEM). This Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation funded project is to pilot this technology along with a new mapping protocol for conducting Onchocerciasis elimination mapping. Here, Standard Data is used to collect data, and once received, those data are immediately transferred to a processing database managed by the Expanded Special Project for the Elimination of Neglected Tropical Diseases, WHO/AFRO. 

Ownership Through Direct Database Access

Because each project on Standard Data is stored in a secure database, direct database access can be granted to national programs. This access would allow national program access to integrate these data with existing national databases. This functionality was implemented in Kenya to support Trachoma impact assessments performed using Standard Data, white labeled as Tropical Data, and integrated these data into their national database using DHIS2 software. Standard Co can provide consultant services to configure either webhooks or direct database access to ensure data collected with Standard Data are fully integrated into existing national databases.